Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Enapay and Kangee climbed a sloping hill

 Page 5.

Enapay and Kangee climbed a sloping hill that partially hid them from the watchful eye’s of the White Spirit or so they thought and crawled on their bellies blending into the tall grass that surrounded them. Enapay counted fifty in the herd while several foals chased each other across a flat meadow while their mothers grazed nearby. Suddenly the White Spirit lifted his head pointing his nose in their direction and began to snort and whinny tapping his front hoof as two young chestnut stallions raced toward him. Almost instantly they joined the White Spirit who galloped full speed toward the hidden pair circling their two ponies forcing them into the grazing herd. Enapay and Kangee dare not move as they watched the two chestnut stallions nip at their ponies hindquarters while the rest of the herd ran to inspect the herds two new members. The White Spirit stood motionless almost taunting the two to show themselves and he screamed and flattened his ears and shook his head in disapproval. Kangee suddenly stood up and faced the White Spirit from her hiding place while the mighty white horse didn’t move almost insisting that Enapay show himself also.

Now it was Enapay’s turn so he quickly stood up from the tall green grass and slowly walked toward his sister wondering if these would be their last moments on earth. As if on trial the two stood silent facing a legend they had heard about their entire lives when suddenly from nowhere a pack of grey timber wolves appeared and began to circle the White Spirit. Kangee ran to the bottom of the small hill and quickly picked up Enapay’s spear but as she reached for her brothers bow and arrows she was knocked off her feet by a black colored wolf. The black wolf spun around her it’s hackles glistening in the fading sunlight with it’s white fangs snapping wildly just missing her arms and  legs. Enapay ran to his sisters aid drawing his knife and charging the black wolf now joined by another but before he could reach her the shadow of the White Spirit blocked out the sun momentarily. The white stallion jumped completely over the young Indian brave and landed instantly on the back of one the wolves making a loud crackling sound. Enapay grabbed his sisters hand and helped her up and at the same time drew back his bow and arrow.

One wolf lay dead while the others began to close in on the White Spirit who placed himself between the young Indians and the attacking wolves. Enapay fired his bow striking a gray wolf in the hind leg causing the animal to turn tail and run but there were still four left. The White Spirit again turned and the faced a charging wolf while another buried it’s fangs into the white stallion’s back leg only to receive a kick to the chest killing it instantly. Kangee threw her brothers spear at one of the three remaining wolves but missed her mark causing the largest of the wolves to refocus it’s attention on her. But the White Spirit grabbed the large wolf by the tail and flung it aside like a leaf in a wind storm. The wolves now having lost two of their own and one injured had enough of the fight on this day and just as quickly as they had appeared the ran off into the timber with all three howling in defeat.

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