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King Avar was a handsome and courageous elf and in the time of the forgotten days during the black winged sharp tailed spider wars he risked his own life to save his kingdom from certain annihilation saving his people from the venomous fangs and sticky webbed coffins with a grip of death. Queen Amber was a beautiful royal elfin maiden with fierier red hair and alluring brown eyes she was a princess in her own family and often wore a tiara woven from threads of gold and silver. Blood red rubies also adorned her royal tiara and at certain times it glowed like the rings of Saturn. Her wit was quick but her tongue was sharper and nothing escaped her will. No one dared to deceive Queen Amber when it came to certain matters within Fir Wood Row and when teamed with her lifelong friend empress Lady Nicole these two royal elves where invincible. King Avar often took refuge and isolation from the two royal lady elves who spoke for hours over a myriad of subjects and very often shared the same opinions.
These strong traits where passed on to Queen Ambers children and they built everlasting respect and character in her children. The royal elfin family where honored and cherished throughout the Row and known for their kindness and love for all. Their word was their bond and they were a decisive people when action or force became necessary. It was a heavenly place if there ever could be such a place but the lands outside of Fir Wood Row did not always share the same beauty or the love. In those forbidding lands lived creatures that preferred death to life and enjoyed inflicting pain and sorrow to anyone and anything outside of their own kind. One such evil monster lived and thrived in this land of senseless cruelty and even produced a offspring to continue his tradition of hatred and a legacy of destruction. His name was Dazerack and his son was Razzis and together they ruled the darkness and the lands within their borders.
Dazerack was not always an instrument of hatred and death and he once ruled a land very similar to that of Fir Wood Row. Known as the Kingdom of the Silver Cliff Caverns this mountainous terrain formed a natural boundary between the two kingdoms where they both lived together in harmony. This was all to come to a terrible end when the birth of Razzis took his mothers life then the Princess Sabrina. Before her death Dazerack had summoned help from his neighboring Kingdom and King Avar quickly sent his physicians to help but they arrived to late and Princess Sabrina was dead. Sickened with grief and agony Dazerack blamed King Avar and accused him of sending help to slowly even as his own physicians could do nothing to save the princess. Now enraged with the loss of his beloved wife he threatened to have King Avar’s physicians put to death, instead he resorted to the darker side of his elvin powers and transformed the assisting physicians to slow moving tortoises. Dazerack cried out in a quivering voice, “ Now my useless doctors of death return to your lands of the Fir Wood Row just as quickly as you have arrived”.
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