Sunday, October 2, 2022

The Raven of Fir Wood Row

 The Raven of Fir Wood Row


Larry J. Dellinges

A very long time ago in a far off distant land was a place known to all living creatures as the Kingdom of Fir Wood Row. Nestled deep within the heart and soul of a hidden redwood forest was a castle known to the elves who lived and sometimes died there as the Fir Wood Row. Hollowed out from the middle of a giant redwood tree centuries old it towered a hundred feet above the ground providing a panoramic view of the lands below as well as providing safety for the elves that lived there. The surrounding redwoods acted as a natural camouflage protecting the towering castle but elven eyes were very watchful and nothing was left unseen or unguarded. Elves were the masters of this domain but they were givers of joy and happiness and ruled by the law of love and kindness. They were also great warriors and defenders of their people and lands and they possessed magical powers and used powerful spells and potions.

These elves exercised their magical powers when called upon while patrolling and hunting the hills and forests as well as the skies above them. Green rolling valleys dotted with stands of redwoods, golden oaks and silver pines were endless. Fields of golden poppies their favorite flower and flowers of all varieties filled the air with enchanting fragrances and beauty. Opened vista’s and deep gorges, rocky deserts with gigantic boulders and bottomless canyons all added their own diversity and beauty to this land. Rivers, lakes and streams ran sparkling waters of life giving nourishment in every direction and the sound of babbling brooks and skyline waterfalls were said to be that of the lands own pulsing heart beating strongly from within. A spectacular lake hidden in the blue mountains near a elfin shrine called Shawnee Byrd Pass had waters the color of shimmering emeralds and was often called their sacred pilgrimage by the elves of Fir Wood Row.

To the north snow capped mountains reached up toward the heavens and they went on as far as your eyes could see. Light blue and green clouds streaked across the skies as if painted by giants with a sun surrounded by a hue of reddish gold. Over one thousand elves of all shapes and sizes claimed this place their home and many families and clans worked the same lands for hundreds of years because it was said that these elves lived forever. The wild creatures that inhabited the lands were honored and revered by the elves and they tented to their needs and could understand their thoughts and moods. Fir Wood Row was ruled and governed by King Avar and guarded by a small force of Royal Elvin soldiers. The Elvin King shared his throne with his beautiful wife Queen Amber and their two children Princess Adeeras and the young Prince Bowman. Both heirs to the throne of the Golden Silver Wings they where accomplished warriors in their own right mastering the sword, bow and dagger, but the most valuable and dangerous weapon in any elves arsenal was the power of their own mind.

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